...oh, I still love you.
Only slightly, only slightly less than I used to, my love.
Pena que é mentira.
sexta-feira, 29 de junho de 2007
sábado, 23 de junho de 2007
my heart's burning up, my head divide
A vontade mesmo é de ficar batendo a cabeça da parede, enquanto escuto as distorções matadoras de Kevin Shields em "You never should", música obrigatória do primeiro disco do My Bloody Valentine ("Isn't Anything", 1988).
Um tipo estranho de tédio consome minhas horas, há umas duas semanas. Não é falta do que fazer, é pura falta de coragem para fazer alguma coisa. Na verdade, pendências não faltam: trabalhos para entregar, centenas de páginas para ler, MUITA coisa para escrever (jornalisticamente, ou não), milhares de e-mails para serem enviados, decisões a tomar...
Mas aí eu me pergunto, por que não agora?
O fato é que, para mim, junho costumeiramente é um mês de crise, de má sorte, em que tudo se dá ao luxo de sair um pouco dos trilhos, no pior dos sentidos.
Meus 19 anos se aproximam e os milhares de projetos que zunem pela minha cabeça são sabotados por um pouco dessa letargia trazida por Junho, um mês em que o lá-fora costuma ser muito mais belo (o frio, o sol fraco, o céu cheio de estrelas) do que o aqui-dentro.
Fico pensando se foram realmente erradas - em relação a mim - as últimas atitudes que tomei, e chego a conclusão que não. Se toda minha argumentação até aqui foi que certas coisas são completamente independetes de outras (mesmo que sejam, na verdade, da mesma natureza), então acho que não devo acumular mais culpa do que as antigas. Fui eu quem apertou o gatilho, mas o alvo era outro, não o meu próprio pé.
Chega de desculpas. Chega de culpas. Chega de pensar em todos os amanhãs. Pensar em todos os amanhãs é pura auto-sabotagem disfarçada de esperança dos que já perderam a esperança. E eu já devia ter aprendido essa lição.
O que eu preciso mesmo é de um tapa na cara, porque das doses de vodka barata eu já desisti.
A trilha sonora do meu agora seria "Gonna make you love me" do Ryan Adams, não pela letra, mas por todo aquele climão de "ainda-sorrindo-depois-de-tudo-garotão". Pena que o meu "Gold" ficou perdido no meio desse tudo.
Não tem muito como ser diferente. Eu vou tentar mais uma vez. (E quantas mais for preciso).
terça-feira, 19 de junho de 2007
segunda-feira, 18 de junho de 2007
temporada de tietagem - ou - tudo pelo bom jornalismo
Está decido: os 600 e tantos reais que vou receber de um trabalho no Panamericano serão gastos com uma viagem de 5 dias acompanhando os três shows do Arctic Monkeys no Brasil e todo o resto do Tim Festival.
São Paulo e Curitiba me esperem.
É tudo pela causa jornalística.
(Alguém aí me descola uma credencial de imprensa?)
Partiu-bombô leski.
domingo, 17 de junho de 2007

Por algum motivo que eu ainda não descobri acordei com esse diálogo abaixo retirado de "Adaptação" (2002, direção do Spike Jonze, roteiro do Charlie Kaufman, atuação brilhante do Nicolas Cage). O trecho é bem no final do filme, que merece muito ser visto.
É realmente intrigante acordar com esse diálogo na cabeça, porque vi esse filme já faz uns três anos. O inconsciente prega umas peças pra lá de bizarras, uh?
Quando acordei fui direto para TV para ver se ia passar em algum canal, o que inflelizmente não aconteceu. Praguejei por ser domingo e todas as locadoras estarem fechadas. Então desisti e fui ver "Alta Fidelidade" pela zilhonésima vez, para ver se pelo menos o velho Rob Fleming me confortava. Sempre funciona.
Enfim, o diálogo.
Charlie Kaufman: There was this time in high school. I was watching you out the library window. You were talking to Sarah Marsh.
Donald Kaufman: Oh, God. I was so in love with her.
Charlie Kaufman: I know. And you were flirting with her. And she was really sweet to you.
Donald Kaufman: I remember that.
Charlie Kaufman: Then, when you walked away, she started making fun of you with Kim Canetti. It was like they were making fun of me. You didn't know at all. You seemed so happy.
Donald Kaufman: I knew. I heard them.
Charlie Kaufman: How come you looked so happy?
Donald Kaufman: I loved Sarah, Charles. It was mine, that love. I owned it. Even Sarah didn't have the right to take it away. I can love whoever I want.
Charlie Kaufman: She thought you were pathetic.
Donald Kaufman: That was her business, not mine. You are what you love, not what loves you. That's what I decided a long time ago.
Donald Kaufman: Whats up?
Charlie Kaufman: Thank you.
Donald Kaufman: For what?
Donald Kaufman: Oh, God. I was so in love with her.
Charlie Kaufman: I know. And you were flirting with her. And she was really sweet to you.
Donald Kaufman: I remember that.
Charlie Kaufman: Then, when you walked away, she started making fun of you with Kim Canetti. It was like they were making fun of me. You didn't know at all. You seemed so happy.
Donald Kaufman: I knew. I heard them.
Charlie Kaufman: How come you looked so happy?
Donald Kaufman: I loved Sarah, Charles. It was mine, that love. I owned it. Even Sarah didn't have the right to take it away. I can love whoever I want.
Charlie Kaufman: She thought you were pathetic.
Donald Kaufman: That was her business, not mine. You are what you love, not what loves you. That's what I decided a long time ago.
Donald Kaufman: Whats up?
Charlie Kaufman: Thank you.
Donald Kaufman: For what?
It's mine, that love, you know. Don't you?
sábado, 16 de junho de 2007
sábado, 9 de junho de 2007
hoje eu gravei uma mixtape
...na verdade um mix cd, mas com 2 lados definidos e até uma bonus track.
da idéia inicial até a gravação foram quase 4 meses de muito vasculhar nos meus arquivos (musicais e sentimentais).
20 músicas, 10 de cada lado, mais bonus track. 19 artistas diferentes.
estou orgulhoso dela. mas ninguém faz mixtape para si mesmo, faz?
"Wouldn't it be nice?", The Beach Boys
"She's got you high", Mumm-Ra
"Made up love song #43", Guillemots
"O mais vendido", Mombojó
"Do you realize?", The Flaming Lips
"You're so great", Blur
"Dirty version", Voxtrot
"Sleeping lessons", The Shins
"505", Arctic Monkeys
"I want you (she's so heavy)", The Beatles
"You got the silver", The Rolling Stones
"Should've been in love", Wilco
"I want you", Bob Dylan
"Firecracker", Ryan Adams
"You really got me", The Kinks
"12:51", The Strokes
"Heroes", David Bowie
"Starring at the sun", TV On the Radio
"Deixe-se acreditar", Mombojó
"Young folks", Peter, Björn & John featuring Victoria Bergsman
"God only knows", The Beach Boys
da idéia inicial até a gravação foram quase 4 meses de muito vasculhar nos meus arquivos (musicais e sentimentais).
20 músicas, 10 de cada lado, mais bonus track. 19 artistas diferentes.
estou orgulhoso dela. mas ninguém faz mixtape para si mesmo, faz?
uma compilação por Livio Vilela

"Wouldn't it be nice?", The Beach Boys
"She's got you high", Mumm-Ra
"Made up love song #43", Guillemots
"O mais vendido", Mombojó
"Do you realize?", The Flaming Lips
"You're so great", Blur
"Dirty version", Voxtrot
"Sleeping lessons", The Shins
"505", Arctic Monkeys
"I want you (she's so heavy)", The Beatles
"You got the silver", The Rolling Stones
"Should've been in love", Wilco
"I want you", Bob Dylan
"Firecracker", Ryan Adams
"You really got me", The Kinks
"12:51", The Strokes
"Heroes", David Bowie
"Starring at the sun", TV On the Radio
"Deixe-se acreditar", Mombojó
"Young folks", Peter, Björn & John featuring Victoria Bergsman
"God only knows", The Beach Boys
quinta-feira, 7 de junho de 2007
she's got you high
She's got you high and you don't even know yet
She's got you high and you don't even know yet
The sun's in the sky, it's warming up your bare legs
You can't deny you're looking for the sunset
She's got you high and you don't even know yet
She's got you high and you don't even know yet
It's the search for the time before it leaves without you
Have you lost your mind or has she taken all of yours too?
What's this about? I figured love would shine through
We've lost romance, this world has turned so see through
Open your mind, believe it's going to come to
Keep romance alive and hope she's going to tell you
She's got you high and you don't even know yet
She's got you high and you don't even know yet
The sun's in the sky, it makes for happy endings
You can't deny you want a happy ending
What's this about? I figured love would shine through
We've lost romance, this world has turned so see through
Open your mind, believe it's going to come to
Keep romance alive and hope she's going to tell you
She's got you high
She's got you high
She's got you high
What's this about?
I figured love would shine through
We've lost romance, this world has turned so see through
Open your mind, believe it's going to come to
Keep romance alive and hope she's going to tell you
She's got you high
("She's got you high", Mumm-Ra, 2007)
She's got you high and you don't even know yet
The sun's in the sky, it's warming up your bare legs
You can't deny you're looking for the sunset
She's got you high and you don't even know yet
She's got you high and you don't even know yet
It's the search for the time before it leaves without you
Have you lost your mind or has she taken all of yours too?
What's this about? I figured love would shine through
We've lost romance, this world has turned so see through
Open your mind, believe it's going to come to
Keep romance alive and hope she's going to tell you
She's got you high and you don't even know yet
She's got you high and you don't even know yet
The sun's in the sky, it makes for happy endings
You can't deny you want a happy ending
What's this about? I figured love would shine through
We've lost romance, this world has turned so see through
Open your mind, believe it's going to come to
Keep romance alive and hope she's going to tell you
She's got you high
She's got you high
She's got you high
What's this about?
I figured love would shine through
We've lost romance, this world has turned so see through
Open your mind, believe it's going to come to
Keep romance alive and hope she's going to tell you
She's got you high
("She's got you high", Mumm-Ra, 2007)
domingo, 3 de junho de 2007
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